Sunburst Arts & Education is thankful for support from Creative West, National Endowment for the Arts, Montana Cultural Trust, and Montana Performing Arts Consortium. Many Sunburst projects receive funds from the Montana Arts Council, an agency of the State Government, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana’s cultural and aesthetic projects trust fund.
Be a Patron
Whether you want to support the Sunburst Performing Arts Series or become a patron for Missoula Children’s Theater, there are many ways for you to give. Sunburst Arts & Education has Toast of the Town (our annual sparkling fundraiser), but we appreciate your tax-deductible contributions anytime!
Through your support and generosity we can continue to bring music and art into the Tobacco Valley!
Watch this brief video to see all Sunburst does in the Tobacco Valley!
Be a Volunteer
Sunburst is able to do all it does in our community because of volunteers helping with our Summer Series, Missoula Children’s Theater, Shakespeare in the Parks and more. Don’t be shy because we do need your help. Contact us or stop by our office in the National Hotel. Here are some current Sunburst volunteer needs:
help us with social media - getting out our announcements and messages loud and clear
we can always use help if you like to bake as we have a concession table at our winter concerts, Shakespeare in the Parks, and the musicals.
do you have skills in graphic arts? We can use your talents to make great posters for all Sunburst events.
an archivist! Sunburst has been around for thirty years and we know it is time to organize files, photos and items of all Sunburst has done.
have a few hours and want to help? Give us a call or DM Sunburst. Often we have a pile of tasks just waiting to be done.