Sunburst is moving its 12th Annual Toast of the Town earlier into the fall to take advantage of the valley’s lovely weather and to allow people to enjoy the beautiful views outside at this year’s venue, Indian Springs Ranch. For your $20 fee, you receive a hand crafted wine cup by Casey Fuson, your first beverage and an opportunity for door prizes. There will be delicious hors d’oeuvres as well as a silent auction featuring numerous items from our talented valley. This year, Sunburst will also have an online auction for those who live out of the area or who are unable to attend the September 13th event. This is Sunburst Arts and Education’s premier fundraiser of the year and always a fabulous time! Tickets will be sold at the event at Indian Springs Ranch in the large tent on the left near the parking lot. And just a reminder this is an Adults Only event. We know you will enjoy this golden afternoon to see friends, enjoy various wines and take home something special from our auction.